Monday, April 28, 2008

Date Night

I have been a slacker with my blog. So much has happened in such a short 2 weeks. Carson started hockey this past Monday, yes I know we just got done last month. The one thing about Superior is hockey is never "done". Yes folks we go year round here :)
Along with hockey camps we registered Carson for baseball, which we all have a great time at. Another year of fun in the sun baseball.
Cainen is growing leaps and bounds, he is walking all over the place and practically running without worrying whether he has his balance or not. We refer to that as his drunken sailor walk. More on the boys in a few days.
As for Mike and I, we have been busy with work and life. Mike is settling into his new office at ReMax1. Cainen and I visited him in Duluth on Friday and it is quite the nice and extremely spacious. The halls are nice and long so that kept lil man entertained for quite some time. I am loving my job and the new salon more and more everyday! It is such a calming feeling to know everyday I go to work I go with a smile.
Mike and I have not found much time to do things together lately. Well Sunday morning my Mom offered to watch the boys so we could go do something. How kind of her, thanks Mom!!!!! We love you!
We accepted and were off to a movie and dinner. We saw the movie 21 and it was fantastic, a must see. The movie was scheduled to start at 4:10 so we thought we would catch the early show and do dinner afterward. That way we could be home in time to put the boys to bed. We arrive at the theatre and walk to the counter only to be told there is not a 4:10 showing today because of the opera that is at the DECC. What??!!!!!?? The next showing is at now what we ask ourselves? We were in Duluth so we decided to drive to Cloquet and head to dinner before hand then head back down the hill to the theatre. We had the most wonderful dinner at Mexico Lindo where I have found my new favorite dish. As many of you know we love Mexican food and Mexico Lindo has the most wonderful vibe, as if we were in Isla. Except that the weather was only 31 degrees yesterday :( After dinner we head back to Duluth we still needed to kill some time before the movie, so we took a stroll down by the lighthouse. This is where we pulled out the point and shoot and snapped a good ol' self portrait. Mike did a great job capturing the bridge in the background as well. Nice work honey! We finally killed enough time and made it back to the theatre for our 6:40 show, well worth the wait and as I said before a must see!

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