Sunday, August 12, 2007

Please Pray with Me

Dear God,

Please take care of my stepmother Judy tomorrow morning as she goes in for surgery to remove one of her kidneys that is infected with the most awful scary thing anyone has to hear.....cancer!
What does one do or feel when they are told they have cancer? I just can not imagine myself in her shoes. I may not have been the best stepdaughter through this process that seemed to last a million years, instead it was only a long 3 weeks!! For this I apologize, everyone deals with important issues differently....right?!
I spoke with Judy this evening and told her I have been thinking of her and I will continue to think of her and pray until I know she is in recovery tomorrow around noon.
Her and my dad are leaving for the hospital at 4am and Judy told me some promising words, she has her faith and all the trust in the world for her wonderful Dr's....that brought tears to my eyes, such hope! I wish you could all see the emotion in my face and the scare in my heart as another challenge approaches my family. I know when there is a will there is a way and this bump in the road too shall pass.
Thank you God for everything you have ever given me and the people that have so wonderfully richened my life, it is so much sweeter with people like Judy in it!! I plan to go to bed tonight and take myself on a journey full of good times, loads of laughs, gallons of tears, 16 years of trials and tribulations, and most importantly how much I love Judy! Dad I know this is not easy for you but you were the one that taught me "Everything happens for a reason!"
I know God you would not put Judy, the girls, or my brilliant father through this if they could not handle it! Please God let us all hear the words CANCER FREE tomorrow so we can move on with our show and put this nightmare behind us :)
In Jesus name,

1 comment:

a real librarian said...

Miranda, your family will be in my thoughts today. **HUGS**